For an initial confidential consultation – contact me now. This meeting is currently completely free of charge, and is set up so that you can find out more, with no obligation to make further booking.
“Tanya creates an atmosphere of safety in her work that is allowing me to dig deep and bring everything to the work. I appreciate hugely her total integrity and thoroughness as well as professionalism. Having been a therapist myself for 25 years I can easily spot the real deal when I see it… “
Emotional Wellness Package
At the end of the initial confidential consultation, I will draw up a bespoke package to work on the agreed specific aims and targeted outcomes for the person who is seeking help.
There are two points of note:
Firstly, I will only ever work at the person’s pace, in a way that is absolutely right for that person. Some people work in such a way that we cannot cover the required work in one session and may need more sessions than initially agreed. We will always discuss progress and agree the way forward as we go. I will only ever work at the person’s pace, in a way that is absolutely right for them.
Secondly, in working together a person may uncover other areas that it would be beneficial to work on to effect the desired change. Again, we would discuss those as we find them and agree a plan of action around them.
Once we initially agree the number of sessions required, I normally require full payment in advance of starting the sessions. Payment plans are available to spread the cost in order to facilitate treatment, so please ask. We can chat about appropriate cost: although I do have a fee, I am appreciative that our economic climate has changed in the last few months, and have a level of flexibility. We can work out something that works for us both. Let’s chat.
Please see my Data Protection and Privacy Policy [currently under review]
Data Protection and Privacy Policy SIMPLIFIED – CREATING CORE CHANGE incl VBCIC- 18-8-2020_Review v5
Please see my Terms and Conditions [currently under review]
T&C’s – Disclaimer&InformedConsent – REVIEWED – 18-8-2020_v3
Performance Coaching Package
Using different coaching techniques I am able to coach individuals to improve their performance in business, professional environments and sport.
If during the consultations I identify areas which would be improved by using a more in depth coaching methodology I will discuss these with the person before we choose to progress.
Most performance coaching is generative and looks forward in coaching a person towards their stated goals. However, it is not uncommon to find that there are core, key, negative emotional drivers or unhelpful core beliefs which can hold a person back from developing their true and deepest potential. This is where my performance coaching has an extra unique benefit: I can assist a person in dealing with the negative core emotional drivers and core beliefs in order to free the person to move forwards in a congruent and fluid way. For example – how many people when playing sport are held back due to some form of performance anxiety or even fear? (for example, of injury, of failure?)
If I identify any areas which I could further help with, we will discuss these and agree the way forward.
I work from the National Herb Centre, near Warmington on the outskirts of Banbury. My room can be found just off the courtyard behind the Bistro. I now also conduct Zoom or Skype sessions, for those who are self-isolating. I can also conduct home visits, depending on need and location. Please call me to chat if you think this will be required. (Travel is charged at 50p per mile, for outward and return journey, outwith radius of 15 miles from Banbury Cross).
The National Herb Centre
Banbury Road
Nr Warmington
OX17 1DF
For Googlemaps pin, click HERE
You can now choose to take the steps towards your positive, joyful and peaceful future either now or later – it’s your choice…